Specialization Areas : Educational technology
No. Name Department / Course Title / Position Specialization Areas
1 College of Comprehensive Psychology
Department of Comprehensive Psychology
Professor Cognitive Science, Human interface and interaction, Intelligent informatics, Web informatics, Service informatics, Learning support system, Educational Technology, Social Psychology, Experimental Psychology
2 College of Policy Science
Department of Policy Science
Professor Cognitive Science, Human interface and interaction, Intelligent Informatics, Web informatics, Service informatics, Library and information science/ Humanistic social informatics, Learning support system, Educational Technology
3 Institute for Teaching and Learning
Professor Tertiary education, Educational technology, Sociology of education
4 Institute for Teaching and Learning
Professor educational technology, higher education research
5 College of Sport and Health Science
Department of Sport and Health Science
Associate Professor Education, Sociology of education, Learning support system, Educational technology
6 College of Social Sciences
Department of Social Sciences
Associate Professor Learning support system, Educational technology, Town planning/Architectural planning, Others, Other, Other, Process Design
7 College of Social Sciences
Department of Social Sciences
Associate Professor Educational technology, Basic / Social brain science, Brain biometrics, Education on school subjects and activities
8 Institute for General Education
Associate Professor Education, Human interface and interaction, Educational technology
9 College of Information Science and Engineering
Department of Information Science and Engineering
Lecturer Software, Educational technology